Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Feeling Deeper

I write. Poetry, stories, music. Anything. I write to get rid of bad feelings, I write to express my deepest feelings. I use written word to tell people what my mouth won't say. It comes from my heart, and it isn't something that I do lightly. I know how powerful words can be, how they can crush spirits, or can lift someone up.

I sing. I am a three time winner of the Outstanding Choral Member award, both in Middle School and in High School. I was my Choir teachers favorite student (she retired last year). I've gotten straight ones at Choral contests, both in District and State. I am an accomplished, if not amazing singer. (I will not openly admit it, because I don't like people thinking that they can't be as good as me.)

Everyone has the ability to do anything they want, but they can only achieve their goal unless they put forth their best effort and try their hardest. Just believe that you can, and you will!

I judge how well a song is in a weird way. I listen to the music, but I only pay attention to the words. If I can make a connection to the words, if they mean something to me, put to words how I felt in a certain situation, then I'll love it. When I listen to music I don't just listen. I feel it. I feel the power of the music, feel the deeper meaning.

When you listen to music, or even to your friends talking, listen for the deeper meaning. They could be telling you something that you won't know unless you think deeper. Don't let an opportunity of helping someone pass you by!

You can make a difference!!!


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