Tuesday, August 12, 2014

An Ever Winding Path

When thinking of something cheery to say to all of my readers, I promptly could not think of ANYTHING to say! :) But hopefully, something will come to me soon!

I just want to start off by saying that I am seriously glad that my summer is almost over! Don't get me wrong, there were some AMAZING moments, but they are far behind me now! School starts in 7 days, and I am so ready to go back, to be with all of my friends, and to learn whatever I can before I go on my mission!

Speaking of Missions, my elder brother is leaving in a month for his Mission to Lima, Peru! It's a crazy time for me and my family, because I will become the oldest child, the one who gets to drive the others around and get them where they need to go... But that's not til December :)

As I think back on my summer, and all the amazing adventures I had, I think back to the canoeing trip I took during High Adventure. Just to back up- High Adventure is for 16-18 year old youth in the Church. They basically go and do all kinds of fun things, and this year, the Stake Leadership decided that they would combine the Young Men and Young Women (and keep us on opposite sides of the camp ground of course :) ) We did Via Feratta, which was AWESOME! (click the link to see the webpage of the place we went-- Torrent Falls- Via Ferrata) Not to mention my fear of heights was slightly over come, thanks to the help of a dear friend :) But it was fun to go around and to test the strength of your arms! While on this trip, the adult leaders in charge challenged us to find some way to apply it to the Gospel... The way that I compared it to the gospel was this: You had a clip that was in the middle of the harness, called your "rest clip" or something like that. You would clip it to the steel re-bar when you wanted to give your arms a rest. But me being me, I held on for dear life, even after the clip was in place! All I needed to do was to let go and trust that I would not fall, much like unto having faith in Christ. He won't let us fall, because he knows he won't let us. We just need to take that small step of faith and let go of the worldly problems and such and let Him take care of them!

I've also been doing some more poem writing and sketching. (To see the poem blog, click here.) Just read to the end of the post and you'll see my latest "masterpiece" as a very dear friend calls them. As most people know, I tend to think inward, about my feelings, when I write or draw. And let me just tell you, things haven't been easy. I've struggled with feeling down and trying to find where I belong in my hectic and crazy world. "I struggle just to find a better way" (Breaking Benjamin "Here We Are"). Out of all this struggle and torment, I can indeed say one thing. I am going through these trials for a reason! And I just have to fight til the end, and pray for help, and wait to find the blessings that come after the storm :)

As always, I am here for you! Just shoot me an email or a message if you need to vent about something :)

Stay Amazing!
