Monday, June 10, 2013


I'm happy to say that school finally ended for me!!! :) Haha I'm so happy!!!

This past Friday, I got to go to Applebees with my Dad, Neil, and other friends of my dad's and mine :) It's always fun to go and just let go of some of the stress that has been on my shoulders for quite some time!

Here's a shout out to my good friend Jeffery! Hey friend! :)

Well... Where to begin! It's hard to believe that only 4 months ago, I was so useless and that I could hardly do anything! Now? Now, you can't even tell that I was like that! It's amazing to me that sometimes, things happen in ways you can't really even understand!

I'm happy to say though, that my summer isnt completely ruined! :) I can now go biking and running, which will probably take up most of my day now... And I can't wait to go to NY this summer, as well as Girls Camp, and Youth Conference! :) I will DEFINITELY remember to blog about those experiences! :)

For now, I'll just end with part of a poem I wrote...


Sometimes it's over
and the moment ends.
You gotta move on
maybe just as friends.

Sometimes you just
gotta move on!
Forget about things
that are already gone.

Sometimes it seems
your world is crumbling.
Cursing and swearing
quietly mumbling.

But if you remember
to just forgive
Sometimes things change
and happiness can live.

I love you all!!
