Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Well! :)

I'm so excited to be going back to school! It's been an amazing summer, don't get me wrong, but I do like having that routine that comes along with being back in school.

Just a little back story: Over a month ago, my best friend and I stopped talking to each other, because they had told me that they had no feelings (at all) for me. I will admit, I was heartbroken. I asked the person why, and they said it was because I was too much like my mother, and that I wasn't listening. (And if any of you REALLY know me, I ALWAYS listen to whatever you need to tell me that is personal or could benefit me) We then parted ways, and haven't really spoken since. I still talk to the person, trying to show them that I have no hard feelings, and that I've moved on.

On the other hand, my old friend's closest friend decided to start spreading false rumors about me. It was while I was gone on vacation, giving said person enough time to alienate my friends from me, causing me to lose half of the people I would consider my friends. Now, they won't talk to me, and hardly look at me. My dear sister (not by blood) took up the challenge to ask them why they won't talk to me. They told her that they believe the rumor-spreader, and that I never tried to be friends with them.

What you need to realize is that these people never included me when they went to dances, stake activities, or even double or triple dates. I know I'm not like them, because I love to run and do all kinds of things athletic. But they never gave me a chance to be friends with them. And that's what hurts the most.

Sorry about that sob story!

On the bright side, I can still count myself lucky, because I have my sisters. :) They aren't related by blood, they don't share the same parents, they don't even have similar names. But they have stuck with me through thick and thin. They've stood by me when I hit my lowest points. They motivated me to do things I wouldn't have ordinarily done. They want me to be the best that I can be. And that's why they are my sisters!

Keep the sun shining in your life!!


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